Sunday, November 22, 2009

One wat to save money easily: Home Haircuts

At about $15 a piece for a basic trim, the money can add up rapidly.  Given the $15 estimate (with no long hair extra fees), we just saved $45 and never had to leave the house!  If you have never thought about doing haircuts at home, give it a try, it is not difficult once you know the tricks.

Some tips for haircuts:
  • Wash and then cut hair when it is wet
  • Comb hair out from the scalp and cut to an even length
    • this makes hair lengths look more natural and any unevenness when cutting isn't visible
  • Use sharp scissors, and a fine toothed comb to get best results
  • Expect to touch up a few stray hairs after the initial cut.
  • For short cuts, buy a basic hair trimmer (around $20) and use the guides for ease
So far I have had better results from haircuts at home than I have had at basic hair stylists for one main reason: I know what I want to end up with after the cut.  I don't have to tip, don't feel pressured to buy "product", and overall spend less time on the cuts doing them myself.

Hmm... $45... that can buy a lot of chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. We have always cut our boys' hair. They prefer me to my husband because I'm faster! It has save a lot of money over the years.

    Thanks for your tip on coating the pretzels. I don't know why I didn't think of that!
